World War 1 Commemorative Glassware

In Flanders Fields

We are producing a small range of commemmorative glassware over the next few years in memory of World War One. 

These consist of tumblers, wine glasses and suncatchers/plaques.  The first ones off the production line are tumblers/tealight holders with a frieze of poppies below  the opening lines of the poem by Canadian physician Lt. Col. John McCrae, In Flanders Fields. 

World War 1, Flanders Fields, Poppys, Remembrance.

In Flanders Fields - tumbler used as a tealight holder.

In Flanders Fields – tumbler used as a tealight holder.

 The tumblers are dishwasher safe and can also be used as a lantern/tealight holder.
 Here is a whole field of poppies.  Each one is hand drawn and painted, so they are all slightly different so unique to themselves, like any real field of poppies.  If you would like a name added please let us know when you order. In Flanders Field Poppy Glasses

In Flanders Field, Poppies, Poppys, Glassware

A Field of in Flanders Field Commemorative poppy glasses.

 Order from our shop HERE.