Found a Penny; The Memoirs of a Crafty Dog (ISBN 9780957693241)


Found a Penny – paperback.  This is the UK postage version.  If you are from Eire/Europe, USA/Canada/Australia please order through the appropriate product tab.


A Brilliant Book for All the Family!

Found a Penny; The Memoirs of a Crafty Dog – ISBN 9780957693241

The True Story of Penny the Crafty Dog – in her own words

A book to make you gasp, then laugh out loud as you follow Penny’s life from farm to racetrack to sofa!

A wonderful Greyhound born in Ireland and raised to race.  First a winner, then a loser – abandoned and rescued to become a fabulous family member and an ambassador for the Greyhound breed.  These memoirs, in her very own words, are about how she goes from ex-racing greyhound to media celebrity.

Read of her journey – from rescue to sofa – from a greyhounds point of view.  Along the way she learns to cope with her Crafty family, meeting people and representing her breed at talks and meet and greets.

Penny tells of her travels and experiences abroad – including Flemish Stew!  Despite her demons, she’ll make you laugh, cry and then laugh again…and you might gain some canine culinary tips along the way – she is the Crafty Dog after all!

“Penny is a beautiful, kind, loving girl and I could not love or respect her more.  If I were a dog I’d marry her. (If she’d have me that is.” (Boyd Clack.)

£1 from every copy sold through this webshop goes to Greyhound Rescue Wales.

If you’d like a signed and dedicated copy, please add a message in the order page or contact us.


Greyhounds, greyhound book, greyhound rescue stories, feel good books, true stories,Found a Penny, Crafty Dog Books, Penny the Crafty Dog

A fabulous book!