A Hound in the House (UK Postage) (ISBN 978-0957693203)


This is the UK version for sales in the UK and includes UK postage rates.


When Sally the ex-racing Greyhound arrived it turned our lives upside down; things were never quite the same again!

 I had never really been interested in Greyhounds but after Sally arrived, things changed forever. The world of greyhounds and in particular greyhound rescue, was a wonderful one both deeply sad and very happy. We learned so much from these abandoned racers about their gentle nature, their incredible personalities, their wonderful sense of fun but most of all they taught us how to share.

 This book tells of the arrival of Sally, the loving, clumsy, orange-eating hound and what we had to find out about how to look after her (including the emergency out of hours numbers for the local Vets!).

Then there are Queenie, Lizzie and Rhys the foster dogs, broken in some ways but always hopefully fixable.

 And also gentle little Sammy, the friend to the hedgehogs.

 If you love dogs, or want a story with a tear and a smile that will leave you wanting to rush out and cuddle a greyhound, then this is the book for you!

 Hound in the House