Greyhounds as Pets – The Most Wonderful Breed of Dog

Sally with Bluey, her favourite toy

Here at Crafty Dog Cymru we are huge fans of greyhounds and supporters of greyhound rescue organisations. We were luck enough to home our first greyhound back in 1999. Her name was Sally and she had come from the Oxford track via Swansea track.

Relaxing whilst waiting for lunch

After Sally we fostered some dogs – when you take a dog from the rescue kennels and see how they cope in a family home, and whether they have any special needs or issues.

Queenie, Greyhound, Rescue
Queenie our first foster dog.

Sammy became our next greyhound, a lovely gentle girl who was such a wonderful house dog. The story of our hounds from Sally to Sammy are told in our first book, “A Hound in the House”.

Our last hound was Penny, otherwise known as The Penster, or Lady Penelope Crafty Dog. She was a tremendous character, and became an ambassador for her breed at meet and greets and greyhound rescue events. She loved people and particularly enjoyed coming to greyhound talks where she was always the star of the show. She was such a Diva, and even narrated her life story in her book, “Found a Penny; The Memoirs of a Crafty Dog”.

What better reason to have some lovely greyhound photos!