Our handcrafted greyhound glassware and greyhound drinking glasses, in a range of glass shapes with greyhound designs on them, all available through our Shop –-here are our Greyhound designs in the webshop
Medieval Greyhound Design
We also make a range of glasses based on a medieval greyhound design. They are available in Black, blue, red or white. We can even colour one to match your own hound in a medieval style! Available as a round gin glass, stemmed gin glass, tankard, or suncatcher. If you don’t find what you want in the Shop, message us

Dancing Dogs

These are available as Goblets, & Stemmed Gin Glasses and fruit bowls show a row of Celtic dogs chasing each other around the glass. They can be found here.
They are also available as a Fruit Bowl .
Sitting Hounds
We make a range of sitting greyhounds, available in all greyhound colours, and in a range of glass shapes, including pint glass, stemmed gin glass, round gin glass, pilsner glass, tankard and tumbler.
Greyhound Silhouettes
We have a number of different greyhound silhouettes in a variety of different glass designs – tumblers, pint glass, mugs, & goblets . Here are a couple of examples.
Greyhound Portrait Glasses
These are shown here as glass mugs but they can be made as Pint Glasses, Tankards, Tumblers, Glass Mugs or Wine Glasses and also dedicated. We can also draw greyhound portraits on 4″ suncatchers. Message us Here for details or to send us a photo.